A: A simple way to make your home energy efficient is to use LED bulbs. Although these bulbs are more costly, they will save you money in the long run because of their energy efficiency. The LED bulbs are also far better than the alternative. These are fluorescent lights and incandescent bulbs.
Fluorescent lights not only give an unappealing glow but also have minuscule traces of mercury that can become dangerous to your family if not handled correctly.
Incandescent bulbs are not as energy efficient as LED bulbs but are more cost-effective at store price. You can pair the incandescent bulbs with a dimmer switch to help with energy efficiency. However, the LED bulb is ultimately the better option.
Dimmers and smart switches allow you to save on energy levels by lowering the lights at night if you need to read or turning your kitchen light off when you are out of town if you forgot.
Doelp Electric can help you create a lighting design specifically for your home to increase the usage of whatever light bulb you choose. If you need an estimate on dimmer switches or lighting design, call Doelp Electric.